Quilt Shops Nearby
Serenity Quilt Shop - Kenosha, WI
Sew 'n Save of Racine - Racine, WI
The Stitchery - Delevan, WI
Coins & Quilts - West Allis, WI
Patched Works - Elm Grove, WI
Bigsby's Sewing Center - Elm Grove, WI
Longarm Quilting Services
Serenity Quilt Shop - Kenosha, WI
Kitty Friend - kittyfriend@wi.net or (262) 878-1851
Helpful Videos & Tutorials
Other Helpful Links
We are often contacted by people looking for someone to make a memory quilt.
We are happy to present your request to our guild members if you send your request thru our Contact Us page. However, in the past it has not been easy to find guild members willing to make tshirt/memory quilts on commission. We suggest you contact one of the businesses listed below.
Sally's Creative Quilting LLC (SQG Member), sally@kenoshaquilting.net, (262) 744-7845
Kate Stephan-Cothell, Bear Hugs Memory Bears, CustomBearHug@gmail.com, (262) 989-2225
Sissy Samuelson, Sissy's Quilt Designs, celestesamuelson@aol.com, (262) 716-4952